Innovative intergenerational programs in rural centers
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There were always populations in which the older age group remained as the majority remain tapart and obsolete regarding activities and most dynamic circuits of occupation. Currently this aspect affects more rural settings where, in most cases, a progressive aging process that reverses to a reduction in quality public services is appreciated. In order to try to alleviate this fact, the intergenerational program “Our elders, our wealth” surges as a multidisciplinary and intergenerational tool, promoting various core competencies in students at the primary institution Princesa de España, through inter-group dynamics; based on dialogic learning principles, which promote the development of social skills and sharing knowledge gained through experience. The aim of the project focuses on improving the quality of education offered in rural centers through the active integration of older people as valuable human resource because they have training, experience, knowledge and skills. Also, to promote the creation of a framework to move beyond dependence to reach interdependence. The goal is to get relationships that are reciprocal and exceed the scheme of mere univocal service in order to promote in students positive attitudes toward the elderly, establish activities associated with active and healthy aging in older people, and create habits intergenerational respect and collaboration through cooperative work.
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