Perfectionist automatic thoughts and vivacity of mental image in Spanish undergraduates.
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The study of Perfectionist Automatic Thoughts (PAT) is booming after observing its negative effect on people’s health. Hence the need to seek prevention strategies for these rumors of perfection. The objective of the study was to observe whether there are statistically significant differences in the dimensions of vivacity or mental image capacity (MIC) based on the high or low scores of the different PAT factors, as well as to analyze the probability of presenting PAT based on of the MIC factors. For this, a sample of 791 Spanish university students (M = 22.5; SD = 5.21) was recruited and the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (PCI) and the Vividness Visual Imagery Questionnaire-Revised Version 12 (VVIQ-RV-12) were used. The results show statistically significant differences in the Creative Capacity of Images (CCI) in all the factors, scoring higher according to the low Strivings (PS; d=.32) and Perfectionist Demands (PD; d= .22); suggesting, in addition, that as CCI increases, the probability of presenting PS and PD decreases. In conclusion, the study findings show specific characteristics of PATs that benefit the design of prevention strategies on these unhealthy rumors.
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