Implication of resilience and executive functions on academic performance in compulsory education.

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Marta Bestué Laguna
Elena Escolano-Pérez


Implication of resilience and executive functions on academic performance in compulsory education. Academic performance can be defined as the set of student s skills and abilities to demonstrate their knowledge in different areas. Currently, it is one of the reasons of concern and interest for all governments since it is related to the educational and economic development of a country. Especially, as a result of the health crisis, special interest has been placed on the adaptability of students to face new situations, resilience. According to other studies, there is a relationship between resilience and academic performance and between executive functions and academic performance. For this study, the objective was to analyze to what extent each of these variables, in addition to gender, could explain the dependent variable: academic performance. 177 adolescents participated in the courses from 1st to 4th of ESO, of which 55.4% were men. All of them were students from the same educational center. For the evaluation of problems in executive functioning, the BRIEF-2 was used. To assess resilience capacity, the Connor- Davidson questionnaire was used. Finally, to measure academic performance, the average of the grades for the subjects was taken into account: language, mathematics, English, physical education, and geography and history. The three variables (gender, executive functioning and resilience) were included in the model, which was significant with an explanatory value of academic performance of (R2 = .276; p <.05). Gender was the variable that contributed the most to academic performance (β = .54), followed by problems in executive functioning (β = -.33) and resilience (β = .20). These results address the importance of developing executive functioning and resilience development programs in adolescents, especially males, to improve academic performance. These competencies are of great importance in the performance of not only academic functions, but also life skills.

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How to Cite

Implication of resilience and executive functions on academic performance in compulsory education. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 309-316.


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