Psychoeducational and motivational factors associated with physical activity in young adults.

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Miguel Ángel Durán-Vinagre
Susana Sánchez Herrera
Lucía Pérez Vera


The scientific literature shows a wide range of factors that influence adolescents, especially in relation to physical activity, but, nevertheless, it is not so much in the specialized literature with other aspects, as with psychoeducational factors. Therefore, the main objective of the systematic review that we present in this work is to review the literature of empirical studies that evaluate the relationship between motivation and physical activity as psychoeducational factors for the improvement of healthy habits in adolescents from the bases of Web of Science (WOS) and SCOPUS data in a ten-year period between 2010-2019, considering the PRISMA methodology. Different keywords were used: “Physical Activity” AND “Motivation” AND “Information Technology” OR “Web 2.0 Technologies” AND “Adolescents”. From the documents obtained in the different databases, we can extract as results that the scientific evidence justifies that the motivation and the use of ICT are factors that affect the performance of physical activity. Among themain reasons is the interest in society for health care and the increase in quality of life because of high levels of obesity and overweight, since the inappropriate use of technological resources is the main cause sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and the decline in the quality of life of the population. Therefore, this is closely related to the psychoeducational factors of these young people.

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How to Cite

Psychoeducational and motivational factors associated with physical activity in young adults. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 337-344.


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