Emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship: future entrepreneurs in vocational training.

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Noemí Castilla Gutiérrez


Currently, companies are working with emotional intelligence strategies for the leading or managerial teams and for the workers in general, with the aim of improving the climate and work performance in the work environment. Competences such as self-awareness or Mindfulness, self-management of emotions, self-confidence, empathy, orientation towards achievement, entrepreneurial initiative and essential social skills for their own connection with the environment, are the bases of the success of a work team. Taking into account this new trend in the development of soft skills in companies, it must not be forgotten that education is the basis for the adaptation of the individual to the new society and the latest social trends and for the job insertion with the new work environments. That is why, taking into account that in the Vocational Training stage, regardless of the training family, students are educated for job insertion both as an employee (Training and Labor Orientation module) and on their own (Company and Entrepreneurial Initiative module), we must train teachers capable of promoting and working on the emotional intelligence of our students, training them with the soft skills necessary to be young people with entrepreneurial initiative both for the creation of new forms of business and entrepreneurship, as well as to be future successful intrapreneurs and workers for organizations, for society and for themselves as individuals.

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How to Cite

Emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship: future entrepreneurs in vocational training. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 361-366. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n2.v2.2243


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