“The other” on the phone. Stories from the pandemic caused by COVID 2019.
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On the occasion of the Pandemic caused by Covid 2019, there were social events that had a deep influence on our individual and organizational psychic structure as human groups of coexistence. We recall the prohibitions on contacts with other people who were not family members; the demands of washing and disinfection; the fears and uncertainty of this unknown virus that caused serious ailments in healthy individuals. Deaths. Overwhelmed by the saturation of hospitals, mortuaries, the lack of means, the looks of anguish, the sounds of ambulances and the disinfecting army, due to the ignorance of what was happening, each person tried to rebuild their daily lives and their routines to maintain the vital rhythm to acceptable levels (bio-psychosocial). In Cáceres, groups of volunteers coordinated by the Youth of the Youth Council and different groups that were later exerting leadership were organized around the City Council. The organization in neighborhoods, in neighboring communities, around small proximity stores, in parishes, was impressive. The group I am referring to took the name RED-COR and had around 2,000 volunteers. There is not a single company in the city that groups so many workers. ON March 24, 2020 I had the first call in response to my offer. From there, a group of Psychological Advice of Expert Psychologists was created, 11 in total and 12 with the coordinator, who at that time was preparing his doctoral thesis in Law. Without leaving home, since he was subject to risk due to his age, we responded to the citizen demand from our formation. By phone.
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How to Cite
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