Autoconception (self-effectiveness), psychopathology and quality of life of alcoholic patients in treatment
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In this investigation we tried to analyze the importance of training self-efficiency (independent variable) for the treatment of alcohol dependency, seen in maintenance treatment and modification / improvement of the quality of life, this last one being the ultimate goal of the intervention and measure their effectiveness (dependent variable). In this sense, we interviewed 146 alcohol addicts being treated in AUC, 90 (61.6%) of whom abandoned treatment after the inpatient phase, 35 (24%) after the 1st consultation and 21 (14.4%) were kept under treatment. This is still a problem with gender, and most individuals are men constituting 87% of the sample. Ages are between 23 and 68 years, with a median value of 44.7 (SD = 9, 127). To assess the study variables were used: the English version of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) (Canavarro, 1999) to assess the psychopathological symptoms; the Portuguese version of the Clinical Inventory of the Self-concept (ICAC) (Vaz Serra, 1985), to assess aspects and the Portuguese version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life, brief version (WHOQOL-Bref) “is intended to evaluate the quality of life, as defined by the WHO: the individual perception of their position in life, within the context of culture and value systems in which it is inserted and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns “(Canavarro, Simões, Vaz Serra Pereira, Rijo, Pint, Gameiro, Walls and Ride, 2007, p.77).
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