Treatment adherence in dementias: how to overcome this challenge?
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Introduction: As a progressivecondition,adherenceto dementiatreatment involveschallengesthat require multipleskills: flexibilityand adaptability, understanding of needs and changes, as well as emotional stability to cope. Treatments involve pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions and qualified continuing education. Treatment adherence is multifactorial and tends to be low and discontinued. Objective: Creating informative material focused on promoting adherence to dementia treatment for different groups. Method: Applied research was carried out through a qualitative method including discussion groups on adherence strategies (elderly people, family caregivers, elderly caregivers and health professionals). The literature review informational materials (brochures, websites, videosand training courses) on dementiatreatments. Results: Thereview indicated alow incentiveforadherence to dementia treatment, with a tendency to superficiality and a focus on degenerative aspects and messages that were not very motivating for continued treatment. Informative material was created to meet the demands of different groups involved in the care of people with dementia in two formats: (1) a booklet describing treatments and benefits with specific tips on how each public can contribute to treatment adherence and (2) documentary videos with reports from experienced family members to raise awareness and demonstrate coping alternatives. Material involves: tips, guidance and inspiration from content, strategies and stories for coping and overcoming. Discussion: Information that favors the reduction of stigma and that approximates care needs to involve different actors in addition to breaking stereotypes. False or miraculous contents, as well as those that only show suffering, move away from care strategies and favor discontinuity in a framework that requires flexibility and a long-term task. Motivating informative material that points to alternative care solutions with inspiring statements that approach possiblerealities wereidentified asthe most appropriate strategies for adherence to adequate treatments and long-term care.
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