Quality of sleep in patients with fibromyalgia
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Introduction: Fibromyalgia is characterized as a chronic disease in which the main characteristic is generalized musculoskeletal pain, associated with painful points with anatomically precise locations when subject to palpation. In normal situations these stimuli would not cause pain. Predominantly the female gender is the most affected and is often associated with symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive difficulties, mood disorders, headache, gastrointestinal disorders and sleep disorders. The relationship between sleep and pain, a primordial symptom of fibromyalgia, is consistent, with sleep disturbances being very common, suggesting that these have a high relevance in the aggravation of the symptomatology. Objective: Assessment of the relationship between sleep quality and fibromyalgia symptoms through questionnaires. Methods: An analytical, observational and cross-section study with a non-probabilistic sample performed in 38 individuals. The study implies the self-completion of surveys, namely General Information, Visual Analogue Scale of Pain Intensity, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and SF-12 Quality of Life Questionnaire. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS® program (Statistic Product and Service Solution). Results: It was verified that the PSQI global and SF-12 variables had a weak negative correlation marginally significant (p=0.072), and a statistically significant positive correlation between depression and anxiety (p<0.001). The remaining variables did not present any associations. Conclusion: The symptoms of fibromyalgia are related to sleep disorders, so these patients should perform a subjective and objective sleep evaluation. Likewise, a multidisciplinary intervention should be encouraged in order to enhance the quality of life of these patients, improving and adapting their clinical follow-up and adopting approaches that are not only pharmacological.
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