Inclusive early childhood education from a socio-environmental an socio-environmental and socio-emotional competencies approach in children and their educational agents
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This project is carried out within the framework of a collaborative work, with a methodological approach of Pedagogical Intervention through meetings and reflective workshops, mediated in the participation of educational as well as in the appropriation of actions that make possible the empowerment of socio-environmental and emotional competencies and comprehensive care for children in their daily development, in order to seek to reduce the factors of exclusion and contempt, so that the experience in their environments is mediated in the respect and acceptance of the other , generating socially inclusive environments and respect for what is different. This project also intends to extend strategies so that the Bachelor’s degree program in Early Childhood Education of the Surcolombiana University, through its actions of social projection in vulnerable communities, seeks the meaning and relevance of its curriculum, as well as reflects and intervenes on the problems that are visualized in the most socially, culturally and economically depressed marginal urban communities.
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