The usefulness of bioimpedance in older people

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Marina Morela Hernández Patrocinio
Guadalupe Fradejas Legido


In the aging stage bio-psycho-social changes occur that make the elderly population a highly susceptible group to present alterations in the nutritional status that causes changes in the structure of the body, such as decreased cell mass, loss of proteins or alterations in relation to intra and extracellular fluids, this has a negative impact on the course of diseases in both development and recovery. A thorough nutritional assessment is very important to be able to make an appropriate nutritional approach, for this we can use multiple scales, assessments, and diagnostic tests. The use of bioelectrical impedanceanalysis(BIA) is based on theability of the human bodyto conductelectrical current. Body composition analysis consists of the fractionation of total body mass into its various components. By means of this literature review from sources of greater to lesser evidence, we tried to determine whether the performance of the technique can improve the quality of life of the elderly. By virtue of the different articles studied, variability is observed in terms of the results obtained. Considering electrical impedance as a useful non-invasive tool for the analysis of body composition, although it is true that a greater error is estimated if the patient presents dehydration or fluid overload. If we evaluate it according to our objective, it leads us to the conclusion that an exhaustive evaluation would be necessary, being beneficial in elderly people with obesity or with renal insufficiency, which are the pathologies that have shown more efficiency for the technique, however, people with cachexia, with liquid overload due to edema or with signs of dehydration could give us error or not be useful.

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How to Cite

The usefulness of bioimpedance in older people. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 121-124.


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