Road safety education in teaching as seen by primary school students
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Road safety education has become one of the pending subjects for the students of the Faculties of Education. The data on traffic accidents, although they have been reduced in recent years, are still worrying in a society that wants to advance in the welfare state. That is why future teachers must know about the factors related to traffic and all those problems that influence road safety. To start developing training programs, it is necessary to know what the opinion of the students is on Traffic and Road Safety. A study was carried out with the students of the faculties of education of the Universities of Valencia and Zaragoza. In this work, they were asked about the need to provide road safety education in the Bachelor of Teaching in Primary Education and Master’s degree curricula for teachers. The responses of the students demonstrate this need, as well as the implementation of a series of measures that contribute to the prevention of accidents and to raising awareness on the part of the public of the importance of road safety. The results and the students’ proposals are shown, as well as the recommendations for training in road safety education in education faculties.
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