Technological devices or services during physical activity for people with illness: systematic review

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Amara García Belloso
María Dolores Macías Leal


Introduction: Thank sto technological advances, various web services have been developed that promote physical activity for people with various diseases. Objective: To understand the types of technology-based devices or services that have been developed to help users with illnesses with the aim of maintaining and creating physical activity or sport-related routines. As well as knowing the different diseases that are usually treated with this type of technology. Method: This systemati creview, performs a descriptive method as a way of extracting the information through a deep and detailed analysis of the information collected, selecting a series of variables and explaining their frequencies in order to develop the reality with which we find ourselves. Result: Of the selected articles, 35% of the articles belong to the United States; most of them are quantitative and the age of the most predominant sample is over 18 years old, an adult population. The disease that predominates in terms of the study of the web service is type 2 diabetes, being type 1 diabetes the second most studied and depression the one that continues. Conclusions: Scientific output has increased over the years in relation to current diseases, the most worked disease is type 2 diabetes and applications are the most abundant type of web service today.

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How to Cite

Technological devices or services during physical activity for people with illness: systematic review. (2021). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 209-218.


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