Construction of a methodology for assessing the importance of soft skills in early intervention in infancy

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Leonor Vaz
Vítor Franco
Sandrina Leal


Soft skills are non-technical skills that influence job success. Its importance is increasingly highlighted in the organizational world, as they contribute significantly to the good performance and the professional development. There is, however, a gap with regard to its study in professions that involve a helping relationship, as in the case of Early Intervention in Infancy (IPI) implemented in a family centered perspective by multiprofessional teams. This study aims to build a questionnaire that allows assessing the importance of soft skills for IPI professionals, as well as realizing their mastery over these skills and their use in professional practice. The questionnaire was built from a wide list of soft skills referred to in scientific literature, being called experts to assess the clarity of the concept and its relevance for the practice of IPI. The study had the participation of 8 portuguese specialists. In general, soft skills obtained high percentages in both criteria, however, three competencies were excluded from the initial list, one added and twelve were reviewed, resulting in a total of 48 items in the final questionnaire. 

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Author Biographies

Leonor Vaz, CIEP - Universidade de Évora

CIEP - Universidade de Évora

Vítor Franco, CIEP – Universidade de Évora

CIEP – Universidade de Évora

Sandrina Leal, ISDOM


How to Cite

Construction of a methodology for assessing the importance of soft skills in early intervention in infancy. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 27-36.


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