Common frameworks in educational training quality criteria. An educative integration tool

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Franz Harold Coronel Berrios


In this work, international instances investigation research are collected which central axis is the study and planning of proposals to improve quality in teachers training in the latinoamerican and caribean context. The present article approaches investigation components, methodology and results generated by the Andrés Bello Agreement Organization, beginning with the study “Common famework in quality criteria to it’s application in politics and curricula practices in educative resources and in teachers training in the CAB countries”. In this sense, the present work has three parts, in the first part, a document reviewing of the most outstanding contribution in the teachers training ambit is made in the last years, from international instances focused in the latinoamerican and caribean región which topic is around the establishment of common criteria to improve the quality of teachers training. In this paragraph a breef comparative study is made that allows analize the following criteria: the research components analysis, the methodology used, the actors involved, the principal results and finally the proposals approach. A second part it has to due with the studies analisis developed by the Andrés Bello Agreement Organization based on the same mentioned criteria. Finally, a third part presents a brief balance conclusive in the matter of contributions in the common frameworks construction of quality criteria in teachers training and its role in the international educative integration process. 

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How to Cite

Common frameworks in educational training quality criteria. An educative integration tool. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 35-42.


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