Current state of the question of motivational climate in educational settings: a systematic review (2017-2021)

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Gabriel González Valero
Eduardo Melguizo Ibáñez
Marina Valverde Janer
Manuel Ortega Caballero
José Luis Ubago Jiménez
Pilar Puertas Molero


The role of teachers in structuring the teaching-learning process is essential to establish an adequate motivational classroom climate. Consequently, creating a positive motivational classroom climate is considered an essential methodological tool to improve school performance and ensure good student learning. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the motivational climate of students, as well as to establish the current status of the issue and its relationship with the teaching role. For this purpose, a title search was performed in the Web of Science database, narrowing the years between 2017 and 2021 and using “motivational climate”and “physical education”as keywords. A study population of 56 scientificstudies was established, which after applying the inclusion criteria delimited the study sample into a total of 21 articles. The results showed that, within the classroom, different motivational orientations are appreciated among students. However, the way of teaching and theexisting teacher-student nexus are essential aspects for creating a successful motivational climate. Specifically, a motivational orientation towards homework is associated with higher expectations for the future, as well as with better academic performance of students.

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How to Cite

Current state of the question of motivational climate in educational settings: a systematic review (2017-2021). (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 43-56.


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