Body image, self-esteem and adherence to physical activity: a study with young people in COVID-19 Period

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Isabel Condessa
Zélia Caçador Anastácio
Celeste Antao


Body image and self-esteem are dimensions of health that have been studied in association. In the search for better satisfaction with body image and a better sense of self, physical activity (PA) is one of the health-promoting behaviours sought by many young people. The period of confinement imposed by the pandemic COVID-19 led to the change of several routines, including the practice of physical activity, namely with the closure of schools, gyms and sports clubs. Changes in weight and emotional health were mentioned by a large part of the population. This study aimed to relate body image satisfaction, self-esteem and adherence to physical activity in a pandemic context, as well as to investigate the factors influencing these three dependent variables. A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted, with an online questionnaire, using Google Forms, applied to young people from Portugal (mainland and islands). The sample was of the snowball type and was composed of 630 individuals aged between 15 and 25 years (mean=20.04±2.36), being 475 females and 155 males). Girls proved to be less satisfied than boys in most of the body image items, with significant differences in quite a few. For self-esteem the girls’ mean value (28.96) was lower than the boys’ (29.21) without this difference having statistical significance. In the adherence to the PA the girls also revealed a lower mean value (1.91) than the boys (2.39), being this difference statistically significant (p<.0001). The factors that most contributed to the level of adherence to PA were the management of free time, health issues and the existence of conditions near the residence. The sample revealed good levels of satisfaction with body image, average self-esteem and average level of adherence to PA. These three variables are positively and significantly correlated with each other and are also influenced by individual and contextual factors.

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How to Cite

Body image, self-esteem and adherence to physical activity: a study with young people in COVID-19 Period. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 71-78.


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