Socio-emotional skills and self-regulation for resilience and student well-being through the application os somatic experiencing

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Fernando Acevedo Calamet
Gisela Menni Panchenko


The article presents the main theoretical-methodological guidelines, results and conclusions of an exploratory and experimental study that was oriented to the fulfillment of a general research objective – to identify the bio-physiological components and socio-emotional skills that grant student well-being and an adequate disposition towards learning for high school students from an educational center in Rivera (Uruguay) – and a general objective of intervention: to improve both aspects in a sample of that population, through the application of Somatic Experiencing. A cycle of ten weekly individual sessions was implemented with ten students whose previous academic performance was insufficient. During the sessions were observed and recorded their physiological responses associated with dimensions of student well-being (connection, sense of belonging, social and individual awareness, relationship skills, resilience, self-management, responsible decision-making) and key components of the SIBAM model (sensations, images, behavior, affection, meanings), as well as 36 indicators of physiological responses of the autonomic nervous system (based on Porges’ polyvagal theory). The main results were that with the progressive application of Somatic Experiencing, the students improved their socio-emotional skills, especially their resilience in the face of events perceived as threatening, they were able to reduce their state of activation, abulia and/or disorientation in the classroom, increased contact with their sensations and emotions and their tolerance to anxiety and fear produced in the face of school challenges and, therefore, improved their disposition towards learning and completed the school year with good marks.

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Author Biographies

Fernando Acevedo Calamet, Centro de Estudios sobre Políticas Educativas Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Centro de Estudios sobre Políticas Educativas
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Gisela Menni Panchenko, Centro de Estudios sobre Políticas Educativas Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Centro de Estudios sobre Políticas Educativas
Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

How to Cite

Socio-emotional skills and self-regulation for resilience and student well-being through the application os somatic experiencing. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 75-88.


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