Mathematical attitudinal perception of future teachers in their family environment

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Javier Sánchez Mendías


This paper presents the results of a study on the perception that future teachers have of the attitudes that their parents have shown towards mathematics during their academic career prior to accessing the University. Likewise, the possible relationship between said perception and the characteristics of the family nucleus is analyzed, taking as a reference the level of studies and the professional activity of the parents. Method. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of about five hundred future teachers of Primary Education, submitting the data obtained to a descriptive and inferential analysis to know the perception of these attitudes and the possible incidence between the educational and professional context of the family and this variable. Results. The results show that future teachers have a positive perception of their parents’ attitude towards mathematics. In the inferential study, values are obtained that denote the existence of a significant incidence between this attitudinal perception and the educational level and professional activity of the parents. Conclusions. The perception of the attitudes of the parents of the future teachers towards mathematics can be considered positive, in general terms, although it tends to be less favorable in those family contexts with basic levels of study and professional activities with little professional qualification. This data is important given that the majority profile, in the case of future teachers, responds to this pattern. Therefore, to correct this deficit and improve the quality of education, activities aimed at improving the development of favorable attitudes towards this discipline through specific actions should be promoted. 

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Mathematical attitudinal perception of future teachers in their family environment. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 99-108.


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