Teacher training in Yucatan: analysis of models, profiles and coincidences

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Juanita Rodríguez Pech
Norma Graciella Heredia Soberanis
Hugo Salvador Flores Castro


Teacher training in Mexico responds to a series of demands, derived from the diversity of educational levels and contexts in which teaching is developed. In recent years, it is of special interest to ensure the quality of teacher training programs, due to the importance of the role of these actors in the improvement of the educational system in general. This paper presents a comparative analysis between two teacher training programs with a notable presence in the southeastern region of Mexico: the Bachelor’s Degree in Education at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, and the Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education at the Escuela Normal Urbana “Rodolfo Menéndez de la Peña”. As part of the analysis, a comparison is made between the formative models that underlie these programs, as well as the most notable features of the graduate profiles. Likewise, the possibilities of revalidation between both programs are examined, based on the similarity of contents that allow the granting of double degrees. We conclude about the relevance of these characteristics, according to the current needs of basic education in Mexico, based on the experience of graduates working at that level. 

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How to Cite

Teacher training in Yucatan: analysis of models, profiles and coincidences. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 137-148. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v2.2330


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