Implementation of quality units in teacher training: between harmonization of evaluation practices and singularity of contexts

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Pascal Lafont
Marcel Pariat
Jordan Souchet
Bacha Zohra


The objective of the European project “Ecalfor” is to analyze the conditions in which the evaluation practices of the quality of the training of basic education teachers are developed, in orderto implement quality units in higher education institutions. The problematization is related to the application margins that allow taking into account the singularities of the contexts in an approach that seeks to harmonize the practices in reference to the common protocol to the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the European countries (4), Latin America (10) and the Caribbean (2) according to international standards. The hypothesis is based on the mandate of an internationalization of teacher training based on the implementation of a protocol that aims to evaluate the quality of training and its organization while producing a distinction between higher education institutions that would have the necessary resources and those that could not create efficient conditions for their application. Through a theoretical framework related to the quality of training and its forms of evaluation, we have adopted a comparative methodological approach that aims to question the variables associated with both the conditions of implementation of quality units based on sociological, historical, anthropological contexts and cultural than what can fall under public educational policies. Thanks to the administered questionnaires, we have collected data from people in charge of quality in HEIs (managers, directors, technical secretaries and technical specialists...). The results show convergences and divergences between HEIs and between countries that define so many conditions that limit the implementation of a policy for evaluating the quality of teacher training in basic schools at the level of higher education in Latin America and in the rest of the world. Caribbean. In the end, HEIs “must explicitly commit to developing a culture that recognizes the importance of quality and evaluation in their work” (ENQA, 2015) in order to establish a guarantee of the quality of teacher training and education qualifications.

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How to Cite

Implementation of quality units in teacher training: between harmonization of evaluation practices and singularity of contexts. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 153-162.


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