Production of educational pills with the Movavi video editor plus 2022 software

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Mª José Finez Silva
Mª Consuelo Morán Astorga
José David Urchaga Litago


The aim of this paper is to present a 10-point guide to follow in order to design an educational pills with the Movavi Video Editor Plus 2022 programme. Educational pills are a didactic resource in audiovisual format in which the teacher offers an explanation of a specific topic, with a duration of 5 to 15 minutes. There are several programmes available to createeducational pills. Afteranalysing five of them, we chose the Movavi programme because it has the following advantages: 1) it is easy to use, even for inexperienced people; 2) it is intuitive and the video, sound and title tracks are superimposed by placing them with the mouse; 3) the multimedia files that can be worked with are varied, including mobile phone videos, voice notes and power point in image format; 4) the educational pills can be produced with a laptop, computer and even a mobile phone; 5) another advantage is that the resulting educational pills can be saved in formats such as MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG-1, SWF, DVD and can then be hosted on platforms such as Moodle, Google Drive or YouTube; 6) the programme is in Spanish, which makes it easy to use and it is quite cheap, approximately 50 euros; 7) the educational pills can be saved in the documents folder, but a copy is also saved in the programme itself, so it serves as a repository; 8) Movavi has a website where it offers user support with manuals, tutorials and video guides. Educational pills that have already been produced can be republished, updated, expanded or adapted. In this way, an educational pill becomes a “adaptative” educational resource that can be shaped according to the purpose for which it was developed.

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How to Cite

Production of educational pills with the Movavi video editor plus 2022 software. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 235-240.


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