Simplified Psychology versus spirituality

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María Lapa Esteves


In an increasingly dynamic and agitated world, where time reaches values above the speculative values of a barrel of crude oil, there is a need for mental health as a standard bearer of a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual whole for the individual can say healthy, in balance! So, it is important today that we reflect once again in a conscious way, without taboos, prejudices, ideological blindness, or scientific pragmatism and dogmas, in a line called simplified psychology in connection with positive psychology. This review thus meets an interconnection and a search to extract the best of what a sufficiently scientific methodological vision benefits by crossing knowledge with the vast wisdom also acquired by spiritual development. This relationship is sought in an unpretentiou sanalysis of analyzing psychology in an interaction of the knowledge of St. Thomas Aquinas_The job of the wise man is to contemplate the truth, judge the principles, order all things and point out all the errors_ (in Oficio do Sabio); aiming at a life with greater quality, more awareness, more happiness, greater tranquility, in a balance that is increasingly desired: physical, psychological and spiritual. We can all be wise, and the clinical psychologist is here to help. 

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How to Cite

Simplified Psychology versus spirituality. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 241-244.


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