Cognitive stimulation and cognitive impairment

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Ma Silvia López Alonso


Temporal orientation (TO) is an intellectual competence, an unconscious process through which the subject assimilates continuous flows of personal and social experiences as temporal categories (year, month, season of the year) or time frames (hours, days of the week, etc.) conferring order, coherence and meaning in his life. Their good state is due to factors of biological, social (including the absence of open spaces as a social confinement) and psychic nature. Our work studies whether TO in healthy subjects (30 to 85 years old) will be affected when these factors are scarce, precarious or missing. Temporal orientation (TO) is an intellectual competence, an unconscious process through which the subject assimilates continuous flows of personal and social experiences as temporal categories (year, month, season of the year) or time frames (hours, dates, days of the week) conferring order, coherence and meaning in his life. Its good condition is due to factors of a biological, social nature (including the absence of open spaces such as a social confinement) and of a psychic nature. Our work studies whether TO in healthy subjects (30 to 85 years old) will be affected when these factors are scarce, precarious or absent. 

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Author Biography

Ma Silvia López Alonso, Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Psicología

Universidad de Valencia. Facultad de Psicología

How to Cite

Cognitive stimulation and cognitive impairment. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 271-280.


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