Effect of training on the conceptions of kindergarten teachers on the sexuality of children

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Vânia Beliz
Zélia Caçador Anastácio


The scarce training in sexuality education has been referred to in the literature as one of the main obstacles for childcare workers to approach pre-school children about sexuality. The view that this approach encourages early sexuality and corrupts the innocence of children contributes to the insecurity of professionals. To improve knowledge, beliefs and comfort, strengthening training in sexuality education has been highlighted as an important strategy. With the aim of verifying the effect of training on the conceptions of kindergarten teachers, in the context of an action research, a training workshop of 6 hours was carried out, in which 92 Portuguese professionals participated, with an average age of 41 years and a professional experience of 19 years. The participants answered an online questionnaire before and after the training workshop. The Questionnaire for Sex Education for Early Childhood Educators (QESEI), composed of 3 scales, resulted from the translation of the original questionnaire by Koch and Brick (1996). The data were statistically analysed using the SPSS program. We found that the mean values obtained after the training were significantly higher than before it for the three variables: knowledge (M=16.10±4.38) vs (M=9. 63±4.29), with t=-9.010 and p<.000; attitudes and beliefs (M=121.25±11.18) vs (M=110.90±=11.37) with t=-5.522 and p<.0001 and comfort (M=23.31±4.00), vs (M=20.80±4.72) with t =-3.400 and p<.001. It is concluded that the training workshop had a positive effect on the evolution of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs and comfort level of kindergarten teachers regarding the approach to the topic of sexuality in preschool education, which reveals the importance of specific training in this field as an important factor for professional development and overcoming obstacles.

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How to Cite

Effect of training on the conceptions of kindergarten teachers on the sexuality of children. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 425-432. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2022.n1.v2.2376


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