Analysis of the problem of repetition in the bachelor’s degree program in nursing science

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Fernando José Best Guilboa


Repetition is a moderately studied phenomenon at the university level, since for it to occur, there must be a failure that leads to repeating the subject and this makes its evaluation difficult; therefore, it is less elusive to account for failure. Fortunately, we came across the opportunity to study at a small and young university, (it consists of 3 undergraduate courses, where Nursing is one of them) so despite not having a system for recording failures and repetitions, useful documentary research could be done. Failure-induced repetition is caused by three groups of factors: those attributable to the student, those attributable to the teacher, those attributed to the educational institution, and those exogenous to the teaching-learning process. Within the sphere of the student, they can be framed: School failure, motivation to study, micro and macroeconomics of the student, among others. On the part of the teacher, we can find: The preparation of the teacher, the methodologies and teaching tools. Attached to the institution are the design of the study plan, tuition costs, and the physical and technological infrastructure. Within the exogenous group to the process we can mention the family environment. The general objective of this study is: To analyze with a view to improvement, the levels of repetition that exist in the Nursing career and the factors that motivate its appearance, generating valid and reliable information that shows the magnitude of the phenomenon of repetition in nursing. chosen career and the subjects where failures occur the most. The present investigation is of a mixed type with a first quantitative, descriptive phase, and a second qualitative explanatory phase. Regarding the temporality, it is longitudinal between the years 2016 and 2017.

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Author Biography

Fernando José Best Guilboa, Universidad Instituto Superior de Administración y Educación (ISAE) Panamá, ciudad de Panamá

Universidad Instituto Superior de Administración y Educación (ISAE)
Panamá, ciudad de Panamá

How to Cite

Analysis of the problem of repetition in the bachelor’s degree program in nursing science. (2022). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 307-316.


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