Antisocial behaviour in adolescence: understanding risk factors and mediators through a structural equations model

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Alice Murteira Morgado
Maria da Luz Vale Dias


In this paper we use a SEM analysis to test an explanatory model for antisocial behaviour in adolescence that includes dimensions that have a direct effect on antisocial behaviour (psychoticism, neuroticism and self-control), while some are relatively malleable in this developmental stage and mediate the role of age on antisocial behaviour (family environment, self-concept, and conformity to social rules). A structural equations model was tested with a sample of 489 participants. Results show a good fitting model where psychoticism, self-control, age, social conformity and family environment are intertwined in a complex net of relations and effects involved in the explanation of adolescent antisocial behaviour.

Conclusions embrace the differentiated nature of each predictor and its role both directly and in relation to other predictors. The complexity of adolescent antisocial behaviour became evident, showing that it cannot be addressed in simplistic terms, as we need to account for direct and indirect effects.

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How to Cite

Antisocial behaviour in adolescence: understanding risk factors and mediators through a structural equations model. (2016). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 381-392.


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