The influence of parental educational styles on the children’s achievements

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Nerea Gutiérrez González
Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro


The family constitutes the first educational and socializing agent for children, in such a way that the degree and form of communication, affection, control, rules, etc. that each family has had with their children will have consequences, direct or indirect, both in their development and in their social integration. The present work delves into the relationship between parenting styles and parental involvement with academic efficiency and school success achieved by children. In that sense, an empirical research of a quantitative nature is carried out in order to be able to examine and observe which are the factors of parental educational styles and the regulatory behaviors that influence the school performance of children. As a data collection instrument, an ad hoc self-made questionnaire has been used, made up of 27 items, which has been applied on a sample of young people in the age range of 18 to 25 years (n=163). After the analysis of the data obtained, it is observed that the factors of control, motivation, affection, demand, provision of materials and support that parents develop on the school performance of their children seem, indeed, to intervene in their school performance and, consequently, in their academic success. 

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Author Biographies

Nerea Gutiérrez González, Educadora Social

Educadora Social

Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca

How to Cite

The influence of parental educational styles on the children’s achievements. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 17-30.


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