Activity analysis as a tool for intervention in occupational therapy intervention tool in occupational therapy
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Activity analysis is a crucial tool within Occupational Therapy, it provides specific information on its requirements and characteristics of the activity. This professionals are able to facilitate or promote the autonomous performance in every occupation of peoplesuffering from different difficulties. It isconsidered one of the keycontents to be taught within undergraduate degrees which qualify these professionals. Therefore, it is pertinent to discover how it is being carried out in Spains, as it affects the interventions performed among different users of the service. A survey among three main groups was conducted: a group of occupational therapists qualified in Spanish universities, current students, and lecturers studying and working in Occupational Therapy Degrees in Spain. The results from this survey suggest interesting information to promote strategies that would improve activity analysis learning and use, by students and occupational therapists. This could promote the visibility, occupational identity, and value of this profesión in our country.
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