Analysis of the factorial structure of the bebras 2021 challenge in uruguay and preliminary results

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Alar Urruticoechea
Andrés Oliveri
Victor Koleszar


Nowadays, technologyis part of most personal dailyactivities. In theeducational field,specifically, technological tools are used as facilitators of learning. This, along with the need to provide diverse tools to educate students, has generated a change in the educational paradigm, moving from content-based education to competency-based education. Therefore, the concept of Computational Thinking (CT) has begun to gain international relevance. Computational Thinking refers to the set of competencies for problem expression and solving using programming logic. In the educational field, the acquisition of these competencies will enable children to face an increasing lytechnological future. To assess the level of acquisition of thesecompetencies,validated measurement instruments are needed. This research aims to verify the theoretical structure of the Bebras Challenge applied in Uruguay during 2021 and to conducta preliminaryanalysis of thesituation. For this purpose, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Student’s T-tests, and ANOVAs were applied to the responses of 20,393 participants in the Bebras Challenge from 5th and 6th grades of Public Education. The main results obtained are: the factorial structure coincides with the theoretical definition of each item. There are statistically significant differences by gender (p-value< .05), grade (p-value < .01), and sociocultural level (F(5, 2730) = 42; p-value < .00). It can be concluded that the factorial structure contradicts research that claims that Bebras does not have the theoretical factorial structure and that the results of the factor analysis are consistent with research analyzing both gender and sociocultural performance differences.

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Author Biographies

Alar Urruticoechea, Universidad Católica del Uruguay y Ceibal

Universidad Católica del Uruguay y Ceibal

Andrés Oliveri, Ceibal


Victor Koleszar, Ceibal


How to Cite

Analysis of the factorial structure of the bebras 2021 challenge in uruguay and preliminary results. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 89-98.


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