Does familiarity with tics influence performance in mathematics and science? The case of Spain

Main Article Content

Elena Vernazza
Ramón Álvarez Vaz
Diana del Callejo Canal
Margarita Canal Martínez
Alar Urruticoechea


This paper analyzes, for the case of Spain, the influence of ICT familiarization on the acquisition of mathematicsand science competencies. The analyzed participants correspond to 35943 15-year-old students who took the PISA test in 2018. The data are analyzed through a Multiple Correspondence Analysis and the main results allow us to conclude that, in terms of familiarization (possession and/or use) with ICT, more than 50% of the students declare having and using the analyzed devices, and that this proportion is even higher when it comes to Internet and Cellular with Internet (more than 95%). The devices with the least use are Cellular without internet and ebook reader. Regarding the association between familiarity with ICTs and the acquisition of competencies, the following results are obtained: 1. low levels of competencies are associated with no familiarity with ICTs; 2. medium levels are associated with having/using the Internet, Laptop, Cell phone with Internet and USB disk; and 3. high levels areas sociated with having and using a Computer, Tabletand Printer, in addition to the devicesas sociated with the medium level.

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Author Biographies

Elena Vernazza, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Ramón Álvarez Vaz, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Diana del Callejo Canal, Universidad Veracruzana, México

Universidad Veracruzana, México

Margarita Canal Martínez, Universidad Veracruzana, México

Universidad Veracruzana, México

Alar Urruticoechea, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay

Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay

How to Cite

Does familiarity with tics influence performance in mathematics and science? The case of Spain. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 107-116.


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