Teachers’ perceptions of empathy in neuroeducational activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Rosa María Pinto
Zélia ´Caçador Anastácio


The study of empathy with teachers is relevant, since this dimension of emotional competence is known as an emotional, cognitive and interactive strategy, which in an educational context benefits the interpersonal relationship between teachers and other actors, especially in the CONTEXT COVID-19. The present study aimed to identify the empathy behaviors expressed by teachers of neuroeducational activities in the CONTEXT OF COVID-19. For this investigation, a qualitative methodological approach was carried out and as a technique of data collection a focus group was carried out with a convenience sample of six teachers from a 1st CEB school in the northern region of Portugal. The discussion was recorded and transcribed with the informed consent of the participants. The content of the collected data was then analysed. The response categories that emerged were: empathy, where the subcategories definition, being empathetic, pandemic context, empathetic person profile and distance learning and empathy emerged; behaviors, with the two subcategories empathetic and non-empathetic; strategies, with communication and other strategies; and neuroeducational activities, revealing the subcategories establish dialogue and new teaching modalities. The teachers involved in the neuroeducational activities in the context of confinement by COVID-19 demonstrated that the group’s relations in this period became more solidified, fostered team spirit and collaboration in the group. There were also empathic behaviors in the relationship with most of the parents, full professors and students who recognized, valued the commitment and effort applied by these teachers, demonstrating themselves available, interested and motivated. Although, they have also experienced conduct sanities and attitudes of disinterest and inappropriate in the relationship, by some full professors, parents, other family members and students. It was concluded that the teachers of the neuroeducational activities pointed out numerous empathic behaviors in their interactions, with full teachers, parents and students, in the period of distance learning. They clarified that the non-empathic behaviors on the part of some participants arose in a small and insignificant number. To maintain empathic behaviors in an educational environment it is necessary to find new communication strategies.

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How to Cite

Teachers’ perceptions of empathy in neuroeducational activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 117-132. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2023.n1.v2.2491


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