Character strengths in university students: alterity and the pandemic effect

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Anna Belykh
Mariela Sonia Jiménez Vasquez


A study of alterity orientation based on character strengths (Seligman & Peterson, 2004) was undertook in a public Mexican university, involving a sample of under and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Education. The sample inclusion criterion was to have had a continuous educational path amid the pandemic, the participation was voluntary and the invitation to answer the REEMFOCA survey (Belykh & Jiménez-Vásquez, 2023) was sent out to the whole population of the 4th, 6th and 8th semesters, yielding a 15% participation rate (N=116). The results showed significant growth of both the intraand interpersonal strengths (asclassified by Niemiec, 2017), whilethe undergraduate students reported greater development of the latter. An additional subclassification on heart and head-oriented strengths (Niemiec, 2017) allowed to see an overall greater development of heart-related strengths in the intrapersonal dimension, while the interpersonal strengths showed differentiated tendencies, stronger head-oriented for undergraduatesand heart-oriented for graduatestudents. An addition alanalysis by gender reveals a slightly superior development of interpersonal strengths in women. All in all, the intrapersonal orientation developed most, though the difference was not statistically significant. This evidence points out to an interesting tendency of a human interpersonal orientation development despite the isolation. Future analyses might focus on the extent to
which those results are related to the Education Faculty students and to the continuous educational paths.

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How to Cite

Character strengths in university students: alterity and the pandemic effect. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 181-192.


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