A collective intelligence project based on collaboration and knowledge. The case of rethinking Extremadura
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The Repensar Extremadura project aims to accelerate the transfer of innovative knowledge and transformation of a territory, in this case the region of Extremadura (Spain). From a novel proposal of citizen participation based on collective intelligence, it seeks to detect new ideas that are emerging in different areas, such as economic and social, and identify new opportunities based on the establishment of present and future challenges. The aim is that the new ideas, from the academic and scientific
contrast of the University and Research Centers, can be studied, assessed and applied in the region of Extremadura (Spain). A permanent process of reflection is proposed, taking knowledgeasthe basis ofanysocial progress, in which institutions, organizations, associations and civil institutions play a key role in the project for the establishment of new models of future development, aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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How to Cite
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