The influence of post-stroke level of function and dependence on patients’ quality of life

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Jéssica Fernández Solana
Jerónimo Javier González Bernal
Rodrigo Vélez Santamaría


Stroke is the most common neurological disease and one of the main causes of long-term disability. It causes disability in at least 50% of patients who suffer from it. Hemiparesis is a deficiency caused by stroke that severely affects ADLs, IADLs, and quality of life. The aim of the study is to observe if there is a relationship between functionality, level of dependence of people after a stroke, and quality of life. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 50 people with stroke who were evaluated for upper limb functionality, level of dependence, and quality of life. A bivariate analysis was performed using Pearson’s r to determine the existing relationships. A significant relationship was observed between greater functional limitation and greater dependence in performing ADLs and IADLs with a worse quality of life, as well as these variables being predictors of quality of life. Functional status and level of dependence can be aggravated by an inaccessible environment that, in turn, has direct repercussions on quality of life. The adaptation of the environment is important and we must continue to
work towards achieving awareness of proper accessibility and design for all. 

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The influence of post-stroke level of function and dependence on patients’ quality of life. (2023). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 213-220.


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