Mindfulness as a lever of empathy in child development in a school context
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The insula constitutes a brain structure surrounded by the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, with functions linked to somatosensory and visceral processing, empathy and self-recognition. It is related to the ability to perceive the pain of the other and the awareness of feelings. Its activation seems to be related to emotional and cognitive empathy. Empathy is sometimes confused with sympathy and compassion. Awareness, through mindfulness, allows us to observe the transience of thoughts and feelings, while at the same time activating the neuro-structures, namelytheinsula, linked to the development ofempathy. In this way, the practice of mindfulness appears as a tool that allows the activation of the insula, responsible for emotional (affective) and cognitive (rational) empathy. The introduction of mindfulness in a school environment is essential to cultivate awareness and the manifestation ofemotions,as wellasthe development ofemotional literacy. A narrative review was chosen as methodology, although following the Population, Concept, Context (PCC) model of the Joanna de Briggs Institute (JBI), in the search for articles, using the Scielo, PubMed, Web of Science, Medline and B-on databases. The following inclusion criteria were defined: full scientific journal articles; published in Portuguese, English and Spanish; and published in the period from 2009 to 2022. From the articles found, 14 articles from scientific journals were selected. The studies showed that the practice of mindfulness is an important tool in school settings, essential to cultivate self-awareness, emotional awareness and emotional literacy, making children more capable in learning and human relationships.
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