Preliminary results of effectiveness of sexuality education program for people with moderate intellectual disabilities
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Sexuality education programs are necessary for people with intellectual developmental disorder (PIDD). They have difficulties acquiring sexual knowledge and attitudes that allow them to protect themselves from sexual abuse and have a healthy sexual life. These programs have been adapted to the group’s IDD level, for being effective. Thus, the Saludiversex program for people with mild IDD was adapted to the characteristics of people with moderate IDD that have a low with a low level of reading and writing abilities (Saludiversex-M). For this reason, the aim of this work was to analyze if the participants increased their level of knowledge and acquired the appropriate attitudes to develop healthy sexual, throughout the application of the program, consisting of 10 sessions. 50 people with moderate IDD (62% were men y 38% were women) with an aged mean of 38,58 years (SD=11,46) participated in this study. Caregivers applied a questionnaire for assessing of
level of sexual knowledge and attitudes. It was administered before and after each session. Results show significant differences between the pretest and postest in the all sessions (p<0,000). This suggests that the Saludiversex-M program has been designed with didactic and assessment material accessible for people with moderate IDD that generally present a low level of reading and writing abilities. Although these results are promising and optimistic, it should be noted that more exhaustive analyses are necessary for concluding with high evidence that the Saludiversex-M program is effective.
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