Reading comprehension in adolescent students with intellectual disabilities: the effect of seductive details in the process of inference formation.
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Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are increasing in prevalence and they show variety of difficulties and necessities in educational environments. Regarding reading comprehension, they usually suffer difficulties in inference making. To overcome them, visual supports are frequently provided. Nevertheless, the degree in which the use of images with seductive content could affect inference making and task processing is unknown. The ‘seductive details effect’ states that seductive images (interesting yet irrelevant) hamper comprehension. The present study aims to prove if this effect occurs in students with ASD. Thus, a sample of 7 adolescents with ASD read 27 texts, 9 of them with a seductive image, 9 with a relevant one and 9 without image, both in digital and pencil-paper environments. Results suggest that processing time of the task increased due to seductive images while it decreased with relevant ones, versus absence of image. However, performance was not significantly affected by presence nor type of image. This has important implications in the field of education, especially regarding attention to diversity, identification and elimination of barriers and promotion of inclusive education.
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