Sustainable education for well-being: lifestyle analysis and satisfaction with body image of a group of portuguese young people.
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Starting from a multidimensional and evolutionary perspective of “sustainable development”, UNESCO defines the stage to be achieved for its 2030 agenda as “ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all, at all ages”, as well as, through their actions, enable the population to
achieve an inclusive, sustainable and equitable future. In this study we describe and compare parameters related to body image in a group of young Portuguese people (n= 592), aged up to 24 years, of both sexes (male =151/26%; female = 441/74%); as well as their perception of factors to undertake to achieve a life of well-being, in body and mind. An online questionnaire survey was applied, respecting informed consent. Data were analyzed using SPSS – version 28, using descriptive, central tendency and comparative statistics. We aimed: i. differences in the level of satisfaction with body image between boys and girls are relevant; ii compare the lifestyles of boys and girls, with a positive impact on their well-being. We can infer that in our sample there were significant differences regarding the level of satisfaction with their height and weight (p < 0.011 and p <0.001), as well as in different body image configurations, with emphasis on the greater dissatisfaction of females due to their weight , body mass index (BMI), Belly, Hips, Thighs and Legs. These young people had an average BMI value of 22.8, but the variation was greater for girls who, in their daily lives, had less active lifestyles - less adherence to Physical Activity or Sports. Furthermore, more than 22.9% considered the possibility of undergoing an aesthetic intervention. A sustained education in a lifestyle with a healthier diet, without addictive behaviors, balanced rest, practice of Physical Activity and supervision of Body Health, were some of the points developed in which we found differences in perception between individuals of both sexes.
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How to Cite
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