Project NANAI: design and implementation of artistic-educational materials for the emotional health and mental well-being of students in fine arts

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Lorena López Méndez


The Nanai Project arises in response to the need to promote a supportive environment and emotional well-being in the university setting, especially in the context of Fine Arts. Recognizing the sensitivity and creativity inherent in students of this discipline, it seeks to address the mental health challenges that have arisen during and after the pandemic. Nanai draws inspiration from the duality of its meaning: in the Chilean dictionary, it denotes tenderness, while in Spanish, it is associated with denial. Through the design of artistic-educational materials and workshops both online and in person, self-care and mental health are encouraged through art as a therapeutic tool and user experience. The goal is to promote emotional well-being in the university setting of Fine Arts through the use of art as a therapeutic tool, supported by previous research and ongoing evaluation of its impact in the classroom. The evaluation of materials and dynamics is conducted through qualitative and exploratory research, using tools such as field journals, photographic documentation, participant observation, and questionnaires. In conclusion, although the sample of implemented materials is limited, it is observed that they have contributed to improving the classroom environment and strengthening communication and the well-being of participating students.

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Author Biography

Lorena López Méndez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

How to Cite

Project NANAI: design and implementation of artistic-educational materials for the emotional health and mental well-being of students in fine arts. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 351-361.


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