Reading in sight of students with visual functional diversity. educational characteristics and intervention

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Carlos Manuel Santos Plaza
Mª Elena del Campo Adrián
Florencio Vicente Castro


We present the conclusions of the research, which has been working in recent years, with the aim of better understanding the differential characteristics of reading in view in students with low vision, and educational intervention to optimize access to information.
Research was initiated with the application of a program to increase reading efficiency in a case of bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia. Next, an exploratory study of the reading practice of students with low vision who used the sight of Secondary Education as the primary code of reading and writing. Most had monocular reading, reduced distance and did not need optical aids. The reading efficiency presented: great standard deviation, slow speed, low comprehension and difficulties in the recognition of words.
Despite the difficulties described and the evident need to improve the reading efficiency of many visually impaired students, there is little specific material that allows professionals to tackle this task with sufficient guarantees. In the Program for the Optimization of Reading Efficiency of students with low vision (EFILECT), an intervention based on three procedures has been proposed: the method of "repeated reading", joint reading and rapid reading techniques. The results obtained with its application have shown a considerable improvement in all the reading processes.
Teachers of students with visual impairments are responsible for ensuring that students with low vision obtain the reading and writing strategies necessary for learning, life and work. If it is not adequately supported in the learning of reading skills, or it is assumed that this process will occur naturally, students with low vision will run the risk of presenting a level of marginal reading development and will have a significant disadvantage in school and in the life.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Manuel Santos Plaza, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Trabajo en la ONCE desde 1985. Madrid

Florencio Vicente Castro, Universidad de Extremadura

Catedrático Psicología. Universidad de Extremadura

How to Cite

Reading in sight of students with visual functional diversity. educational characteristics and intervention. (2015). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 345-354.


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