Early numeracy and math performance profiles at 6th grade of primary school
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Mathematical skills acquired during kindergarten can predict mathematical performance at the end of schooling, being a key factor of employability in adulthood. In this sense, it seems plausible to determine early profiles with the aim of contributing to the detection of difficulties in mathematics. Thus, this retrospective study consisted of analyzing the differences in early numeracy skills evaluated in kindergarten between children categorized according to their mathematical performance in 6th grade of Primary School. The sample was made up of 91 students, of which
18.68% (n = 17) showed math learning difficulties (MLD), 37.36% (n = 34) presented average performance and 43.96% (n = 40) scored high performance in the EVAMAT-6 battery (3.0 version, García et al., 2018) administered at the end of the Primary stage. To evaluate the degree of acquisition of early numeracy skills in Kindergarten, the TEDI-MATH test (Gregóire et al., 2005) was administered six years ago, which assesses counting skills (conceptual and procedural), magnitude comparison abilities (symbolic and non-symbolic) and logical operations (seriation, classification, conservation, and inclusion). The results show that students with MLD showed significantly poorer performance in key mathematical skills compared to the high-achieving group, such as procedural counting, symbolic comparison skills, and logical seriation and conservation. These findings have implications for the detection of MLD and, in addition, go deeper into the determination of high mathematical performance profiles in the early stages of development.
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