Analysis of the knowledge and use of problem solving and digital security of teachers from Extremadura.
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The technological presence is increasingly present in educational institutions. This implies that teachers must train and acquire the necessary skills for efficient use, highlighting skills that do not seem to have a clear importance for teaching performance, both in scientific literature and for public administrations, such as digital security and Problem resolution. This study aims to respond to the general research objective: Analyze the knowledge and use of digital security and the resolution of technological problems in teachers in Extremadura. For the development of the research, a quantitative methodology has been used, with a non-experimental crosssectional research design, where a descriptive and inferential data analysis was carried out. Through simple random sampling, a representative sample of 400 teachers who teach in Extremadura was selected. To collect data, an ad-hoc questionnaire was used for the diagnostic evaluation of teaching digital competence. The results highlight the current importance of digital security due to technological advances and cyber threats, which can cause economic, privacy and reputational damage. Problem solving is essential in teaching work, allowing students to improve their performance and learning. It is observed that teachers value knowledge and responsible use of digital
technologies, as well as management in the “cloud” and the use of digital tools for the evaluation and monitoring of students. Differences have been found depending on gender, maximum qualification and the inhabitants of the municipality in digital security and depending on age, teaching experience and maximum qualification in problem solving.
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