Artificial intelligence to enhance creativity and educational innovation

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Steven Van Vaerenbergh


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in education, offering new possibilities for teaching and learning.
This study explores various applications of generative AI in the classroom, highlighting how these technologies can enhance the educational experience and foster creativity and innovation. Specific cases of chatbots like ChatGPT and image generators like DALL·E are examined, assessing both their capabilities and limitations. Through a review of documented experiences in academic literature, the study analyzes how AI can modify and enrich teaching and learning methodologies, promoting more dynamic and adaptable education for the 21st century. The aim is to provide a comprehensive view of generative AI not only as a supportive tool but as a transformative element in contemporary education.

Article Details



Author Biography

Steven Van Vaerenbergh, Universidad de Cantabria

Universidad de Cantabria

How to Cite

Artificial intelligence to enhance creativity and educational innovation. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 507-513.


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