Project Reducing Psychosocial Risks In Law Enforcement: Training To Wellbeing

Main Article Content

Florencio Vicente Castro
Amara García Belloso
Juan José Maldonado Briegas
Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias
Silvio Manuel da Rocha Brito


The INFAD Association of Psychology and Education, in cooperation with several other partners, especially the Family Law Centre, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra-3004–545 Coimbra. Email: has participated in the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME KA220-VET. Project Number| PT01-KA220 - VET- 000028146. A Project that has allowed us from INFAD to intensely approach the topic of “Psychology meeting health”; “I didn’t find psychology so healthy”; “Psychology meeting health”. For INFAD, this and other already completed Erasmus + projects are and have been of vital importance for their contribution to the field of science and to the society to which we owe ourselves, providing efforts and conclusions,
such as those we present in this Project Information-Presentation. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes mental well-being as a fundamental component of health and places it as one of the main concerns for the coming years (Mental Health Action Plan, 2013-2020). Mental health is being the subject of significant investments from all states in the world, with strategies that empower people to maintain healthy behaviours related to mental health, improving the quality of life (WHO) and reducing the psychosocial risks of mental health disorders. This is also a concern of the member states in their national mental health strategies (Portuguese National Mental Health Program - Priority Health Programs 2020 Goals) and in the production of legislation that specifically refers to the balance between work and life and the reduction of psychosocial risks.

Article Details



Author Biographies

Florencio Vicente Castro, INFAD


Amara García Belloso, INFAD


Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Universidad de Extremadura

Universidad de Extremadura

Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias, Diputación de Zamora

Diputación de Zamora

Silvio Manuel da Rocha Brito, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

How to Cite

Project Reducing Psychosocial Risks In Law Enforcement: Training To Wellbeing. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 517-533.


Fermin Apezteguia Diario HOY 14-05-24

Text reread and found on the internet. Web active on 16th May 2024

Séneca (Córdoba, 4 a.C. - Roma, 65 d.C.) was a prominent Roman philosopher, politician, orator and writer. A predominant figure in Roman politics during the reigns of Claudius and Nero, he was one of the most admired, influential and respected senators. Between the years 54 and 62, during the early years of the reign of his young pupil Nero, he de facto ruled the Roman Empire. As a writer, Seneca went down in history as one of the greatest representatives of Stoicism. His work constitutes the main written source of Stoic philosophy that has survived to the present day. He covers both plays and philosophical dialogues, treatises on natural philosophy and letters. Using an accessible style and away from technicalities, he outlined the main characteristics of late Stoicism, of which, along with Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, he is considered the greatest exponent of it.

Cicerón (106-43 a.C.) He was a committed politician, skilled orator, lawyer and philosopher. He is considered one of the most brilliant and influential intellectuals and thinkers of the Roman republican world. Imbued with the philosophical ideas of Stoicism, his philosophical and reflective work is increasingly appreciated in today’s world. Cicero presents philosophy as a way of access to happiness and therapy of the soul, always dealing with humanly timeless topics such as friendship, pain, old age, or happiness itself. Likewise, he is responsible for the introduction of the most famous Hellenic philosophical schools into the republican intelligentsia, as well as the creation of a philosophical vocabulary in Latin.

Eugenio Fuentes. Diario Hoy, Abril 7th 2024