Positive psychological intervention in today’s world

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Maria Lapa Esteves


In this current world, where we traverse successive waves of crises in different areas of life, whether with greater emphasis on finances, professional endeavors, or relationships... it always ends up crashing on the personal shore. Existential crises dominate, giving rise to a devaluation, alienation, or exacerbation of symptoms that stubbornly render the Self increasingly ill, devoid of vitality, more bored, lacking creativity, without the ability to give meaning to life and to real or illusory desires.
If for almost three decades I have advocated the need to pause to breathe, to pause to think... I dare to add also, the need to stop worrying! To worry, if we stick to the verb, is to anticipate an occupation in our brains of something that may or may not happen, to occupy the mind and engage in combat with the symptoms caused by that same worry. Thus, facing a crisis, the best option after becoming aware of everything that involves and entails that crisis in our lives, in others, in the world... is to take action! The contribution of positive psychological intervention will provide tools for better discernment, setting priorities, developing strategies, evaluating results, action planning, creativity, leadership, personal development... a plethora of possibilities towards becoming a free, happy, passionate, and caring being of the world! A caretaker of their own world and the world! A being who takes their surfboard; and with knowledge and respect, surfs the waves of crisis! 

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Author Biography

Maria Lapa Esteves, Psicóloga Clínica no ISPA Lisboa – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada. Membro Efectivo da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

Psicóloga Clínica no ISPA Lisboa – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada.
Membro Efectivo da Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses

How to Cite

Positive psychological intervention in today’s world. (2024). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 105-108. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2024.n1.v1.2666


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