The role of the psychologist as seen by psychological care users
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Patients seeking mental health care services, both public and private, in search of help to alleviate their psychological suffering. Several factors have had an impact on the increase in the search for psychological help, on the one hand, the increase in mental health pathologies, but also, on the other, the greater recognition of the psychologist’s role in improving the psychological well-being of the person. In this study, a total of 154 patients who have attended at least one psychological care service were interviewed. Of the participants, 72.1% were women and 27.9% were men. With regard to age, this ranged from 14 years to 66 years. 34.4% of the sample had only seen one professional in their lifetime. 29.2% had seen two professionals, 18.2% had seen three, 8.4% had seen 4 professionals, and only 9.7% had seen 5 professionals. In general, their experience is satisfactory with the care received throughout the therapeutic process. They were asked about the difficulties that led them to come to the service, about their experience in the process of psychological intervention,about the prejudices that stillexist when seeking psychological help. Likewise, the patients describe the training needs they believe psychologists have, as well as the challenges of the psychologist at the present time. This is a qualitative study whose general objective was to learn about the patients’ experience of the psychologist’s role in the professional practice.
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