Entrepreneurship and psychology
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This study explored the differences in personality and beliefs of individuals identified as entrepreneurs, focusing on motivation, personality factors, and general control expectations. It was conducted with the participation of 475 university students from the Amazon region of Brazil, using various evaluation tools to analyze the five major personality factors, control expectations, and motivation towards achievement or results. The findings revealed that students with a higher achievement motivation are more responsible and have a greater internal locus of control, meaning they believe they have control over their life. These students perceive themselves as less helpless, more self-efficacious, and with higher success expectations than those focused on results. On the other hand, students motivated by results tend to believe that the events of their life are due to luck or forces beyond their control. In conclusion, this study highlights a distinctive entrepreneurial pattern in students with high achievement motivation. This pattern may have significant implications for the education and development of future entrepreneurs. The findings suggest that fostering greater achievement motivation and an internal locus of control in students could be beneficial in cultivating entrepreneurial skills and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. As for applications in society, these results may be useful for educators and policymakers seeking to foster entrepreneurship. By understanding the personality factors and beliefs that characterize successful entrepreneurs, they can design educational and training programs that foster these characteristics in students. In addition, entrepreneurs and companies can use these findings to identify and cultivate entrepreneurial talents. Finally, individuals can use these results to better understand their own entrepreneurial tendencies and how they can work to improve them.
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