EVOS: validation of an occupational psychological health instrument to assess healthy organizations
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The aim of this paper is to show the process of constructing an instrument that measures the occupational psychological health of an organization based on the adequate management of psychosocial factors in the workplace. To achieve this objective, it was decided to develop an instrument that would take into account a positive assessment of the situations and factors to be measured, taking into consideration that one of the keys to healthy organizations is healthy procedures. The pilot questionnaire consisted of 68 items and was applied to a sample of 259 workers. The items were presented in Likert format, with positive statements of the underlying theoretical factors, and with seven options. The reagents were designed taking into account the most significant references in this scientific knowledge. The internal consistency analysis of the Occupational Psychological Health scale showed a reliability of 0.97 (Cronbach’s alpha). The 68 items were factorialized using the Principal Component extraction method, with Oblimin rotation. The KMO index was 0.950, suggesting that the data were sufficiently interrelated and it was feasible to perform factor analysis. Likewise, Bartlett’s sphericity test obtained significant results (chisquare=25402.24; p <. 00), obtaining 6 factors that explain 52% of the variance. The questionnaire was reduced to 29 items. Maintaining high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .94) and 6 factors were obtained, whose factorial structure explains 72.2% of the variance of answers to the test. The results demonstrate a first factor, not theoretically foreseen, with great explanatory importance, called “treatment and consideration”, and 5 empirical factors that coincide with its expected theoretical reference. It simplifies and clarifies the significant psychosocial factors involved in occupational psychological health and organizations that we call healthy. In addition, it focuses on the human factor in organizations.
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