Rejection of the hearing impaired
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Nowadays, with full educational inclusion in schools, the rejection of different groups, specifically hearing students towards those classmates with hearing disabilities, continues to be caused by different aspects according to some authors, which could be reduced by having an appropriate conception, conceptualization, and interaction with this group. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to analyze the prediction of high scores in the factor “Rejection of people with hearing disabilities” according to the indicators of the instrument used, among which the concept of hearing impairment, the affective aspect towards this group, as well as the situation of these students at some given moments in class stand out. The sample consisted of 823 Spanish adolescents between 13 and 16 years old. Logistic regression was used to achieve this, following the step-forward procedure based on the Wald statistic, using the SPSS 24 and MedCalc 12 statistical packages. The instruments used were the “The Specific Scale of Attitudes towards Persons with Hearing Impairment” and the “Semi-structured interview for the evaluation of attitudes towards disability and inclusion”. As a result, for each point of increase in the variables analyzed, the probability of obtaining a high score in the rejection of this group decreased. Finally, the hypotheses and implications for education are discussed.
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